Yesterday was a long day, and it's been a long week, of course being that I haven't posted in so long, some of you probably caught onto that being that I haven't posted in over a week. So, I'll give you a short outline of yesterday, because it was the biggest day.
First I'll start with saying I had the day off because of Jocelyn's hip ultrasound being at Akron Children's Hospital at 2PM. So we decided to make a day of it and go to the Akron Zoo first since Mike and I have a membership, so it wasn't going to cost us to go. Except for the bucket hat, stuffed elephant and book about bears that we just HAD to get for Jocelyn. The hat was necessary because we haven't been able to find one with a brim that actually fits her head, all the hats are too big in WalMart. Then we had to go to the hospital before coming home and getting ready, then it was on to First Wednesday at New Pointe.
Jocelyn did really good at the zoo. It was kind of overcast, so the animals were actually out, but she likes bears, at least she likes "Boog" on "Open Season" she sits in her "theater" and watches it and actually "talks" to the movie. Her theater is her car seat in front of the coffee table. Anyway, the one bear was awake, but the other one was sound asleep against the glass. She saw the lions, but the gibbons, a type of monkey, were off exhibit. There were a ton of kids there and so while we were at the gardens it was just loud and a bunch of the kids were actually playing in the fountains. They were soaking wet, so we tried to avoid that area as much as possible.
We went for her ultrasound and I got the results today. Her doctor said that everything checked out fine and that her hips are the way they should be so we don't have to see anyone else about her hips! Yea!!!!
So, then it was time for First Wednesday, after a short stop at home. We've been in a series on Sundays called, "What lies Beneath, a journey to spiritual and emotional happiness." It's been deep, all about clearing up family issues and turning everything over to God. It's been a really good series, so for Wednesday night, they focused on that. The main point made was that obedience always comes before God's miracles. The man that couldn't walk had to obey God when he told him to "Take up your bed and walk", but because he did as he was told, he was healed. After 38 years of not being able to walk! So at the end of service we were told to listen to what God is telling us to do. Everyone has a handicap, whether it is visible, or it's something emotional. But 3 questions were posed, and they were as follows:
- What is your handicap?
- Do you want to be healed? or are you comfortable with your handicap?
- What is God telling you to do?
Then there was a long time of prayer and worship, and I have to say, as we stood and sang songs about giving our all to God and giving Him every single piece of our lives, I realized that I couldn't really sing the songs truthfully. There was still another part of me that I needed to give to Him before I could say that I had given God everything. I am glad to say that I have given Him the rest of me. I gave Him everything, telling Him that even if I was forgetting something, He could have that too! It felt like a burden was suddenly lifted, and I feel so much better. So I want to challenge you if you are reading this now...What is God telling you to do?