Sunday morning at 2AM-ish, I can't really be sure, I was husband sent me a message that he was being taken to the ER because he had cut his finger pretty bad. I asked him if he wanted to meet me there and he said no, that a guy from work was taking him and that he would bring him back to work to get his car. So, I did exactly what he told me to do and went back to sleep. Well, several texts came from him and then I think it was sometime after 5AM that he came home.
When he got home I was asleep and the first thing he said to me was..."Want to see my finger? I had to get 7 stitches!" NO, I didn't want to see his finger, if you're alive and ok, lay down and go to sleep, Jocelyn gets up when she wants to, and that will be too soon when it happens (that's what went through my head). I don't even know if I was responsive, it was like I was so tired that I could hear what was going on, but I couldn't really tell if I was talking back or not.
Later, after I woke up, I found out that it was cut to the bone, he got 7 stitches, he cut it on a kettle as he was cleaning, the skin was just flapping there, and there was a lot of blood. Not really a story that you want to wake up to, but he is okay and his finger is all wrapped up and splinted for the next couple weeks.
Don't you know that it would have to be his bowling hand? He has to miss bowling for at least the next two weeks, of course he still wants to go to the bowling alley to watch his team bowl...what joy do men actually get from hanging out in a bowling alley just watching everyone else bowl...I guess some things I will never understand.