Sunday, April 12, 2009

Happy Easter!

Today is Easter! I took a ton of pictures at grandma's house, but I really don't feel like upgrading right now. I've been working on getting the house cleaned up and it's gone well, but now that I can sit down and scrapbook...I'm blocked! I'm just worn out and tired, but I guess I should probably update you all on my biopsy results.

My doctor said she couldn't tell if there were more cells or not, but that the level of the cells that are there are still at a level 1. It hasn't progressed at a rate that should make us alarmed. This was good news. She also told me that if she were to do the procedure it could, and most likely would, lead to pre-term labor in future pregnancies. Because I am only 21 and Mike and I plan to have another child down the road, she is not comfortable taking this risk right now. She said that sometimes it takes 18 to 24 months for the pre-cancerous cells to clear on their own, so she wants to take another look in October. This will be 24 months in this long journey that I've been on since detection of the cells in 2007. I'm praying for them to clear up on their own, but I'm not God, and I don't really have a say in His work. It will be whatever God wants it to be, and I trust in Him to get through everything. My life is in His hands!

Lately I've put a lot of thought into another child. I do want to have another one and the more I've thought about it the sooner I want to have one. However when I think about it, I want to get a house and be settled in before I think about another baby in the house. Anyway, I think I'm going to head on to bed, back to work tomorrow!

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