Saturday, October 3, 2009

Extremely Powerful, Praise God for His Faithfulness!

I just wanted to take a minute and post a link to a video. I know that it's long but it is so touching. Brian is my cousin and he was burned very badly at age 19. The doctors gave him 1 tenth of 1 percent for survival, and through the prayers of family things began to change. The doctors saw that this GOD that we were allpraying too was truly powerful and one of them was saved 9 years later. Brian had prayed for her every day. Brian has been through so much, this just goes to prove that God truly does have a bigger plan than we could ever imagine. Here is the link, my prayer is that this would touch lives. Brian holds a special place in the hearts of our family and we thank God for him and the life that he leads every single day.

God Bless!

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