Tonight was TRICK OR TREAT at my work for all the children of staff or family of residents. I didn't get out of work until almost 4:30 and then had to come home, eat, change, get Jocelyn in costume and get back to work by 5:30 to decorate and set up before the kids started arriving. This is on the couch by our aviary. It was hard for me to get a shot because she kept trying to watch the birds.

Here is my little lamb crawling around. I guess she thinks that if lambs crawl around on all fours she might as well act the part. I can't even count the number of times people called her a cute little rabbit! Rabbits do not have hooves for their information!

Mike had a sucker in his mouth and Jocelyn would take it out of his mouth and stick it in hers. She just kept taking it back from him the whole time he had it.
Here's a video of the sucker theif...she was so funny, over and over she would take it back from us. She wanted her candy if she had to dress up for it!

There was a group of ladies from our resident council that sat together, and all the children paraded around so the ladies could vote. There were three categories: Prettiest, Scariest and Most Original. Jocelyn won the Most Original hands down. It may help that she's so cute and comes in to visit those ladies all the time. They just love her up everytime she comes to see me at work.

Such a big party that my little lamb got sleepy on me. She fell asleep on the way home. So precious!
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