Friday, August 29, 2008

a busy busy week

Let me tell has been one hectic week! I spent Monday at work trying to get all caught up and we had all decided that state wouldn't show up until the 2nd of September because we would be coming off of a three day weekend. Well...Tuesday started and I was getting all of our stuff from corp. out of the tote when our maintenance guy came in and told us that the people from state were in the parking lot. So, the stress and headaches began. I started calling to make sure anyone who was not in the building knew that we had visitors. Once everyone was called and most everyone was there...the people from state did an entrance conference with some of the department heads.
We had all kinds of craziness going on and it was just nuts. Then the next day, being Wednesday I had to do my little part with a surveyor. Well, I was nervous enough, especially since I just got this position and was not completely caught up from the beginning of the month. Well, just after lunch, the main surveyor told me that we were going to have to wait until Thursday to do my accounts. I was a little relieved, but even more on edge at the same time. So I started working on something else, well, as I was in the middle of my other project, another surveyor came and told me that she was ready for my accounts.
I ended up doing fine on it, but it was a crazy week. 4 citations in all which is a huge improvement from the 14 we got last year. And because we only got 4 we get a bonus in cool.
However, I am still pretty tense from the lack of sleep along with the stress of having people in the building watching our every move for the week, so I am going to get a massage in the morning, and then...I have no clue what else I will be doing.

Just wanted to let everyone know that I'm still alive, it's just been so busy I haven't even thought twice about my blog until now.

1 comment:

Missy said...

So glad to hear that everyone is good. I have missed your posts. I think about you often when I am checking your blog. Always look forward to news about you guys. Wow...your job sounds exciting. =) lv...