The girls at work say that I am the character of the office so they got me "Shrek" iced animal crackers, "Spongebob" cheeze-its, and 2 cans of "Dora the Explorer" spaghetti-os. Along with a card that I will have to take pictures of and post.
Mike and I went to El San Jose's yesterday for lunch and he had them sing and as soon as they started singing Jocelyn started screaming. They pop bags at the end of the song but they didn't since Jocelyn was yelling so bad...I guess they decided I had been embarrassed enough.
We are going to Cheeseburger in Paradise on Saturday for my real birthday dinner tho. It should be fun, I love Cheeseburger in Paradise it's soooooo much fun!
Anyway here is Jocelyn and some pictures since I don't have the birthday one's up. More to follow!

This is the very first smile from Jocelyn that was ever captured on camera...I know it's an old one but I came across it today and I just love this picture. Her bib says attitude is everything, and she was just very happy that day and we finally got a shot of her adorable smile!! I know I promised 4th of July pics and I promise that they are coming...but I found her first indians game pics so I'm going to put them up today.
So first off we have the family waiting to get into the stadium...

Followed by Jocelyn and daddy with our tickets...

And next the field...

Followed by mommy and Jocelyn watching the game from our view...
Here's me and Jocelyn in the stands when we first got there...
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