OK, so Saturday was kind of crazy. We went to open our emergency fund at a different bank so that we can't access it as easily since it IS our EMERGENCY FUND! It is there for emergencies only, so that if something were to happen out of the blue we have the funds to cover it without having to worry about when the next paycheck will be here. It's a slow journey but I must say I am looking forward to being debt free in the future. So needless to say we go in and we are talking about what kind of account we are going to set up and I said it needed to be a checking account because it is for our emergency fund and we need to be able to write out a check if an emergency does occur.

You'll never guess what came next...our banker looked at me and said, "I'm guessing you have taken the Dave Ramsey class." I then told him that we are currently taking it and that I am so glad we are and I have enjoyed the class very much thus far. It all makes so much sense and I can't wait to be debt free. He said he is actually trying to get things together so that he can start teaching a class and that he and his wife took the class and are living by Dave's program. We talked about the program quite a bit. I mean come on we were at the bank for an hour just to set up an account. He is working with a group of people trying to get Dave Ramsey's program to be taught in schools to high school senios because so many of them go to college and finish with tens of thousands of dollars of debt in student loans. Anyway...that was the first part of the day since I didn't have to work.
After the bank we went to the kid's sale in Sugarcreek. We spent just over $30 and got a ton of clothes for Jocelyn and a talking Kermit the frog for me...

Saturday evening was Mike's nephew Reese's 7th birthday party. He's into the transformers so Jocelyn just had to wear one of the party hats. We put it on her and she was fine...we took it off and she started crying, so needless to say she wore it for most of the party.

After the birthday party we had to go grocery shopping at WalMart of course. And would you know they have a red box now...it's a big red box in the grocery exit door area that you can rent movies from for one day. It's a dollar for one day but it only takes plastic...actually I decided it's smart on the company's part because if you don't return the movie on time it continues to charge your account a dollar and tax for each day you keep it. Once you have it for 25 days it stops charging and says the movie is yours. My how technology has come along.
Then on to Sunday... first thing in the morning was Financial Peace University of course and Josh Wilson, an up and coming christian artist, was there for morning service. I missed his performance because I was volunteering in the reign forest. But there was a concert last night and a tail gate party before the concert. Josh Wilson played guitar hero with some of the kids between services and he played corn hole and catch with everyone at the tail gate party. It was totally cool to see how down to earth he is. After the concert he was doing autographs and pictures so we got his autograph for Jocelyn and then of course I had to get a picture for the scrapbooks...I asked if we could get a picture and he asked if he could hold Jocelyn for the picture and of course I let him! So here for you viewing pleasure is JOSH WILSON holding Jocelyn!

If you have never heard of Josh Wilson learn his name...he doesn't have a band, he has a foot pedal thing that he makes music and programs into a loop and builds on it until he has the entire background...he is amazing...and his lyrics are unbelievable. See for yourself 3 minute song by Josh Wilson has been added to my playlist...take a listen!

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